Last year Greg worked at The United Way on an exchange program. Do good for 3 months on an Exxon salary. The end of the campaign season is a bar-b-cue. We decided it's something we'd like to go to every year.
I got a Hello kitty purse at a party supply store and Luke found it. First Greg was like, Boys don't play with purses. And then, where's the camera.alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5537232480929509618" />
We went to trunk or treat this year, but that's about it. And as you can see we didn't do much. Luke had Roseola that week. It's a scary sounding name for a fever followed by a rash gotten mostly by children under 2.
We took Luke to the Hocus Pocus Pops sponsored by the Houston Symphony. It's at the Woodlands Pavilion (10 minutes away) and free mezzanine and lawn seating. It was a beautiful night. Overture to Maskarade by Nielson, Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty, Saint-Saens Danse Macabre, John Williams Suite from Harry Potter and Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Theme from Ghostbusters by R. Parker and B. Holcombe. It was pretty awesome except the Harry Potter song wasn't the main theme or anything you'd recognize and we stayed with our tired baby to hear it. We had fun.
Easy Shrimp Fried Rice
1 day ago